Two things that you need to have in mind when choosing the right trade school fro yourself are whether the school offer the program you want to study and whether the school or that specific program is licensed or accredited.
Accreditations prove the school’s prominence and reputation assuring that you will get the best education possible.
LeaderQuest Jacksonville
LeaderQuest Jacksonville is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Private Occupational School Board.
Enrollment: Prospective students may enroll anytime and the application requirements will depend on the chosen program.
The school determined certain eligibility criteria, as not all applicants can be allowed to enroll.
Prospective students must have a high school diploma or equivalency diploma.
They have to show the string desire and willingness to learn.
There is no need for previous working knowledge or experience with computers, but it would be greatly appreciated.
Those applicants who are unable to provide proof of secondary education can enroll in this school, but only after they achieve a passing score of 17 on the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam.
Fees: Each program has its own fees and tuition costs.
You can gather more detailed information related to payments in the school’s course catalog.
Courses Offered:
- Computer User Support Specialist (CUSS)
- Network Support Specialist
- Technical Support Specialist
- MCSA Windows 8 (DSS)
- Installing & Configuring Windows Server 2012
- Information Security
- Cybersecurity Specialist (CYBER)
- Information Security Analyst-(ISA)
- Project and Service Management
- Senior Tech Project Manager (STPM)
Contact Information:
- LeaderQuest Jacksonville
- Address: 8663 Baypine Rd Building 4, Suite 104, Jacksonville, FL 32256
- Phone: +1 904-399-3555
- Web:
Concorde Career Institute - Jacksonville
Concorde Career College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges.
Enrollment: In case you consider that Concorde is the right school for you, you are supposed to meet general admissions requirements so as to be accepted as regular students and those who do not meet them should not apply.
The first thing that has to be done is a personal interview and campus tour.
Once you meet the admission representative, you will discuss the programs and possible financial aid, as well as admission requirements.
After the meeting, if you still find this school appropriate for your interests and desires, you should submit the complete admission documentation.
Prospective students are required to complete the Online Readiness Assessment and provide proof of graduation from their secondary education institution.
Make sure to provide all the documentation.
Otherwise, your application will be rejected.
Additionally, the applicant has to be a citizen, permanent resident or eligible non-citizens of the United States.
You might be asked to provide proof of this, as well.
Courses Offered:
- Cardiovascular Sonography – Associate
- Dental Assistant – Diploma
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Associate
- Medical Assistant – Diploma
- Physical Therapist Assistant – Associate
- Practical Nursing – Diploma
- Respiratory Therapy – Associate
- Surgical Technology – Associate
Contact Information:
- Concorde Career Institute – Jacksonville
- Address: 7259 Salisbury Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256
- Phone: +1 904-515-5518
- Web:
Tulsa Welding School - Jacksonville
Tulsa Welding School is proud to announce that it has been existing for 65 years and that its industry professionals continue to successfully help young generations get the most out of education and future career.
Due to the fact that flexible scheduling, financial aid assistance, career services, and student housing assistance are available at Tulsa, numerous young people decide to try their luck applying to enroll in one of its programs.
Enrollment: If you thought well and decided that Tulsa Welding School is the right choice for you, you should apply for the best welding training in Florida.
The possibility of attending both day and evening classes and hands-on welding training usually attracts many future students.
The application for admission is available on their official website and that is the first step towards your new career path.
The admission process consists of several steps which include the scheduling of a personalized tour of the campus and meeting with an Admissions Representative.
He/she will contact you to help you complete the remaining parts of the process.
Courses Offered:
- Professional Welder
- Professional Welder with Pipefitting
- Associate of Occupational Studies in Welding Technology
- Welding Specialist
- Welding Specialist with Pipefitting
- HVAC & Refrigeration Programs
- Electro-Mechanical Technologies
- HVAC Training: Refrigeration Technologies Program
- Electrical Applications
Contact Information:
- Tulsa Welding School – Jacksonville
- Address: 3500 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32216
- Phone: +1 904-425-1487
- Web:
Florida Coast Career Tech
Enrollment: The admission process consists of a few steps and you need to first browse the offered programs and determine which one suits your interests and desires.
Once you determine that this school is the right one for you, you need to complete Your Application and submit Your Transcripts.
You are supposed to ask your high school to send an official transcript indicating your graduation date to:
Admissions Office
Florida State College at Jacksonville
P.O. Box 40515
Jacksonville, FL 32203-0515
The next requirement is to apply for Residency and complete College Assessment.
If you need financial support, you are allowed and encouraged to apply for Financial Aid and Scholarships.
The last step in your admission process is to schedule and attend new student orientation.
Fees: You can use net price calculator to determine your tuition and fees costs.
Courses Offered:
- Architecture & Interior Design
- Aviation
- Business
- Communications, Digital Media & Entertainment Technology
- Construction & Manufacturing
- Culinary Arts & Hospitality
- Education
- Health & Human Services
Contact Information:
- Florida Coast Career Tech
- Address: 101 E State St, Jacksonville, FL 32202
- Phone: +1 904-353-9675
- Web:
Alpha School of Massage
Alpha School of Massage is the oldest massage school in the city of Jacksonville, Florida as it exists since 1992.
They are offering 25 years of experience to the world of Esthetics and Facial Specialty.
They are proud to announce that they are licensed by the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Dept. of Education.
Enrollment: The school staff determined some eligibility requirements that have to be met:
First, Students attending our school must possess a high school diploma, GED certificate.
They are required to complete the appropriate applications and forms and submit the required Enrollment Agreement and Enrollment fee(s).
Massage therapy program students are required to report all criminal offenses to Florida
Board of Massage Therapy (FBMT) and submit to a criminal background check.
Fees: The tuition and fees differ from program to program.
For example, Full-Time 500-Hour Esthetics Skin Care Program AM Class there is the enrollment fee of $200, supply Reimbursement Fee $995.and with the tuition included the total cost turns out to be $1,355.
Courses Offered:
- Massage Therapy Programs
- 501-Hour Massage Therapy Program
- 900-Hour Massage Therapy Program
- Esthetics Skin Care Program .
- 500-Hour Esthetics Skin Care Program
Contact Information:
- Alpha School of Massage
- Address: 4642 San Juan Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32210
- Phone: +1 904-389-9117
- Web:
Shear Finesse Hairstyling Academy
Enrollment: You can decide to contact the institution regarding admissions to Shear Finesse Beauty Academy by submitting the request form found on the official website.
That way you allow the admission representative to contact you via e-mail or phone call.
The selection of candidates and the decision is based on merit, including each applicant’s interest, aptitude, and ability.
There are specific requirements to gain admission.
Before the application submission, al prospective students must meet with an admissions representative.
He.she is going o make a decision whether you should submit an application or not.
During the interview, his/her job is to discuss the program choice and other important pre-enrollment information.
If you are chosen as an eligible candidate, you should submit documentation showing that you are at least 16 years of age and proof of graduation from high school or its equivalent, GED, an official transcript of secondary school completion.
In case you cannot prove proof of high school graduation, you must take and pass an approved ability-to-benefit test.
Courses Offered:
- Cosmetology
- Barbering
- Restricted Barbering
Contact Information:
- Shear Finesse Hairstyling Academy
- Address: 9200 Arlington Expy, Jacksonville, FL 32225
- Phone: +1 904-764-6474
- Web:
Foundation Academy
The Foundation Academy is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SAC through its Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (CASI) and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation (CITA).
The reason why so many students choose this specific school is that parents prefer the smaller class sizes, excellent teachers and high attention to developing strong academic standards which are all offered through the school’s high-quality curriculums.
The school has an open enrollment system and fill classes based on availability, ut you are supposed to gather all information regarding the admissions process.
The first step towards your new career path is to click on the link to register on the official webpage and create your account.
That way you wi;l be able to follow the status of your application.
If you have more question related to the application process, you can schedule a tour or enrollment appointment by calling 904-493-7300 or you can e-mail the school’s admission office.
Fees: You are supposed to pat the registration fee of $150 annually and other annual fees of $300 per year.
Courses Offered:
The Foundation Academy uses learning education with an emphasis on STEAM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics.
Contact Information:
- Foundation Academy
- Address: 3675 San Pablo Rd S, Jacksonville, FL 32224
- Phone: +1 904-493-7300
- Web:
Florida School of Advanced Bodywork - Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy
Enrollment: Those of you interested in applying should consider the requirements and qualifications for the Florida School of Advanced Bodywork, as only the eligible ones will be enrolled.
All applicants for admission must be U.S. citizen and 18 years of age or older.
When it comes to documentation, they need to possess a high school diploma or GED.
Furthermore, the applicants need to be physically and emotionally willing and able to adhere to the requirements set forth by the Florida School of Advanced Bodywork, Inc.
In case a person has been convicted of a felony or has emotional or physical limitations or has been dismissed due to attendance violation, gross misconduct or academic failure would not be accepted as a possible candidate.
Application Process consists of completing and submitting an application for admission with the application fee.
Once your application is received, the school staff will schedule a personal interview with an admissions representative whose job is to assist with the enrollment process.
Each applicant must submit official high school transcripts, diploma, or proof of equivalency, as well as recommendation letters from a licensed health professional which should be sent directly to the school.
Courses Offered:
- 500 Hour Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy Curriculum
Contact Information:
- Florida School of Advanced Bodywork – Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy
- Address: 9424 Baymeadows Rd #200, Jacksonville, FL 32256
- Phone: +1 904-337-1602
- Web:
North Florida School of Special Education
Enrollment: If you are a prospective student, you are required to schedule a tour with the school.
The scheduling of a personal tour of the North Florida School of Special Education can be done online or by calling Deb Rains, Assistant Head of School at 904-724-8323 ext. 221 or
When coming to the campus, you are supposed to bring the necessary documentation and that includes the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), Psychological Testing Report, Matrix Number and a completed Intake Application Form.
You have to pay a $50 Application Fee, as well.
If necessary, the Assistant Head of School will visit the student’s current educational setting to observe student behavior and abilities within his familiar environment.
Once the visit finishes, the classroom teacher wills submit a summary of the visiting student’s behaviors and academic performance.
If the student is considered appropriate, the family is offered a contract to enroll.
Fees: Tuition is $15,500 per year and there is an initial $275 registration fee and a $50 application fee for new students.
Courses Offered:
- Horticulture
- Culinary Arts
- Berry Good Farms on the Go Food Truck
- Mobile Market
- Barkin’ Biscuits
Contact Information:
- North Florida School of Special Education
- Address: 223 Mill Creek Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32211
- Phone: +1 904-724-8323
- Web:
Nova Southeastern University - Jacksonville Campus
Enrollment: The application process starts with submitting the application for admission.
You can either submit the NSU Shark Select Application, or the common application.
A nonrefundable $50 application fee is required with the application.
The NSU has an optional essay which should be written and you can choose among five prompts provided on the Common Application.
The next step is to request the submission of Official Transcripts either electronically through Naviance, SendEDU or the Common Application or via mail to:
Nova Southeastern University
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
3301 College Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314.
Prospective students are also required to provide the test scores and they should be reported directly from the testing agency.
Then, the School Report should be completed by your college or guidance counselor who needs to submit this report with your official transcripts and your school profile.
One letter of recommendation from a teacher is required, but you may submit up to a total of three letters.
The letters should be also completed online through the Common Application Teacher Evaluation form.
Fees: The tuition costs, per semester, 12-18 credits are $15,575.
There is the application fee of $50 and the registration fee of $30 per semester.
Courses Offered:
These are just some of the programs to mention:
- Anesthesia
- Anthropology
- Applied Behavioral Analysis
- Applied Professional Studies
- Applied Statistics
- Art And Design
- Arts Administration
- Athletic Training
- Biology
- Biomedical Informatics
- Biomedical Sciences
- Business
- Business Administration
Contact Information:
- Nova Southeastern University – Jacksonville Campus
- Address: 6675 Corporate Center Pkwy #115, Jacksonville, FL 32216
- Phone: +1 904-245-8910
- Web:
Trade Schools in Florida by City
Final Thoughts
If you are one of many young people who are contemplating what they want to do with the rest of their lives, we suggest you think about any of the above-mentioned trade schools.
You will not regret your decision, no matter which one you decide to attend.